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Kitch'N Giggles

Knife Skills: How to Make Homemade Garlic Paste

One of the most important skills in the kitchen is how to use a knife. Each week, we introduce the skills necessary to accomplish 1 task in a cleaner, more efficient way. Today we focus on knife skills for making homemade garlic paste.

Are you a garlic lover? Raw garlic adds a lot of flavor to foods, but it’s intense. Super intense. It’s no wonder many people, and vampires, avoid eating garlic raw. But there is a way to get all of the flavor without all of the intensity into your cooking.

Instead of using chopped garlic, many cooks rely on garlic paste to add flavor, without being overwhelming. Yeah, you could buy it in a jar, but learn how to make homemade garlic paste and impress everyone with your cooking. If you can chop garlic, then you can learn how to make garlic paste at home!

Always have a clean knife, cutting board and a towel. Let’s go.

Step By Step Instructions for Making Garlic Paste

Step 1: Start with chopped garlic.

Step 2: Using the middle part of the blade, scrape the garlic over the cutting board.

Step 3: Push the garlic back into a pile, using the back of the blade. Then, scrape again.

Step 4: Continue scraping and then pushing the garlic. As you do it, more of the juice will start to drip out, and the garlic will stick together. Do it a few more times until your garlic looks like applesauce.

And now you have homemade garlic paste!

It’s ready now to toss in to salad or spread on toast. And that’s how easy it is to add raw garlic to your food.

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